General Information
Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation (CTF) supports Virginia based transfusion and healthcare initiatives. We accomplish this mission by awarding grants and scholarships, and by engaging in direct charitable activities.
Grants are awarded to 501c3 organizations only.
Grants are awarded only to organizations located in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
For additional information on recent awards, go to the NEWS tab in the navigation banner at the top of this page.

Important Information for Prospective Applicants
CTF Funding Priorities:
Ensuring an adequate blood supply in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Innovations in transfusion safety and patient blood management in Virginia.
Promoting medical laboratory science/transfusion medicine education in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Providing insight into the changing blood banking landscape.
CTF Will Not Consider:
Unrestricted grants
Grants for general fundraising
Grants for building or renovation projects
Grants to support political campaigns or lobbying efforts
Grants that do not support the Foundation’s mission
Grants to promote religious doctrine or tenets
Grants for organization startup or seed funding
Grants for projects where the Grantee is unwilling to openly share results
Grants for organizations that are not designated 501c3 (non-profit)
Program related investments
Mission related investments
External Review
CTF reserves the right to engage transfusion medicine and other experts from around the country to review grant applications when requested by the Board of Directors. The External Review Committee is comprised of a well-rounded group of professionals that are actively involved in transfusion medicine research, education, and practice. The External Review Committee provides feedback to the Board of Directors regarding Letters of Inquiry and Grant Applications; however, the final decision rests with the CTF Board of Directors.

How To Apply For A CTF Grant
Grant applications are accepted by invitation only.
Prospective applicants must first submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI).
LOIs may be submitted at any time during the CTF fiscal year (October 1 through September 30).
LOIs will be reviewed within 2 weeks of receipt.
Notification of the LOI decision will be communicated via email, and information about the application process, if appropriate, will be communicated at this time
Grant Applications:
Applications and instructions are included in the invitation to apply.
Applications are reviewed by the CTF Board of Directors twice yearly in February and August; therefore, applications must be received by December 31 and June 30, respectively.
Applicants are notified of the Board of Directors’ decision in February and August.
Grant funds are generally issued by March 31 and September 30 of each calendar year.