Grant FAQ
Does Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation fund organizations outside the state of Virginia?
CTF focuses its grant making efforts in Virginia. CTF supports national mission related initiatives by providing grants to organizations such as the National Blood Foundation. See our Resources page for a list of links to other organizations.
How long does it take for a proposal to be approved?
Letters of Inquiry (LOI) will be reviewed within 2 weeks of receipt. Grant applications are reviewed twice yearly in February and August. The entire process from LOI to award can take as little as 45 days or up to 8 months depending on when your LOI and application is received.
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If we have one CTF Grant, can we apply for a different CTF grant?
Yes. There is currently no limit on the number of grant applications.
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Do you accept unsolicited proposals?
CTF accepts unsolicited Letters of Inquiry. However, CTF does not accept unsolicited Grant Applications.
Where can I find the application forms?
Application forms are not available online. If you are invited to apply for a grant, the appropriate application form will be sent to you by email.
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What types of grants does the Foundation award?
CTF only considers grant requests that are consistent with our mission to support Virginia-based transfusion and healthcare initiatives. Potential applicants should thoroughly review the Grant Information Page on our website before submitting a Letter of Inquiry.
When can I submit a proposal for funding?
The first step in applying for a grant is to submit a Letter of Inquiry (LOI). LOIs are accepted throughout the year. Grant applications are by invitation only following review of the LOI.
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My organization was previously declined for funding. Can I reapply?
Yes. However, be sure to review the Grant Information page to assure your request aligns with our mission.
Do I need to show other project support?
If CTF is asked to support only a portion of the funding for a project, the budget should include a column for the total budget and a separate column for the CTF contribution.
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Where can I find reporting requirements?
All grants awarded by CTF require regular progress and budget reports. Reporting requirement are part of the Grant Agreement. The frequency and content of reports depends on the complexity of the project being funded and the amount of the award.
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What is a Grant Agreement?
The Grant Agreement is a legal contract between CTF and the Grantee. It details the terms and conditions of the grant being awarded, reporting requirements and other important legal information. The Agreement must be fully executed by both the Foundation and the Grantee before any funds are distributed. The Grant Agreement may not be changed unless agreed to in writing by CTF.
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Do you provide funding for scholarships, tuition, travel to conferences, or studies abroad?
Yes. CTF has IRS approval to offer scholarships directly to individuals enrolled in Medical Laboratory Science programs within the Commonwealth of Virginia, however, CTF prefers to give educational grants to organizations for the purpose of scholarships, continuing education, and other activities that support the advancement of the art and science of transfusion medicine.
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I am not a qualified 501(c)(3) organization; do I qualify to receive a grant?
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What is the typical duration of the Foundation’s grants?
Most grants are awarded for a one-year period. However, CTF will consider multi-year grants.
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How many grant cycles are there each year and what are the deadlines?
CTF has two grant cycles per year. Applications are due by December 31 and June 30 and funds are distributed no later than March 31 and September 30.
Does CTF support indirect costs?
CTF will consider funding indirect or administrative costs up to 15% of amount of the grant.
​What happens if I need to modify my grant application (e.g., budget) after it has been submitted?
Modifications to the application will not be allowed after final submission.
Will it help my grant application if I contact a board member for support?
No. Please submit all communications regarding your funding request through CTF staff. As a private grantmaking foundation, it is important that all conflicts of interest, whether real or perceived, are avoided. Contacting a CTF Board Member directly regarding a proposed project, LOI or Grant Application will disqualify the project funding consideration.​
How do I submit my grant application?
Instructions for submitting a grant application are communicated via email after the LOI process has been completed.
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Is there a minimum or maximum grant amount?
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I would like to provide more information than is asked for on the Grant Application or Letter of Inquiry.
Additional files may be submitted with the LOI and application, but the forms provided by CTF should contain sufficient information for the Board of Directors to make a decision.