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2021 Commonwealth Transfusion Foundation Grants

J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Program

August 2021: $41,600.00

Purpose: For the purchase of equipment, reagents, and supplies to update the student immunohematology laboratory.

National Blood Foundation (NBF)

August 2021: $250,000

Purpose: To support the advancement of transfusion medicine and cellular therapies.

Troy University, Sorrell College of Business

August 2021: $150,000

Purpose: To support the editorial management and production of the Journal for Blood Service Economics.

Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medical Laboratory Science

August 2021: $114,617

Purpose: To support the advancement and visibility of the art and science of laboratory medicine.

Radford University School of Medical Technology

August 2021: $160,000

Purpose: For the purchase of equipment and supplies to update and enrich student learning activities in Immunohematology.


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